Well, it looks like I had 53 views from my last blog. Not knowing any statistics on this type of thing I'm going to say that is positive. I hope all of you are back this week. I'm not really sure what to talk about this week. Am I supposed to admit that or should I just keep that a secret? I have been hanging out with a lady the last couple of weeks and she is a very private person. There is definitely something to be said about that. As for me though, I am an open book. I probably should keep somethings quiet but I've never really been shy. Recently, sine I have met his woman, I have been keeping things a little more quiet about my personal life. I've kept an open mind to her way of life as opposed to mine. Hmm, well it looks like I'm on some sort of rant here and now I know what to talk about this week. This week I am writing about keeping an open mind about things. Since I own Norton Fitness, it is probably a good idea to talk about open mindedness with respect to exercise. I remember when I was growing up and doing my "bodybuilding thing" I was so closed minded to machines and different weight routines other than "hard and heavy." While yes, this did build a lot of strength and size for me, and I was able to win numerous bodybuilding competitions, it wasn't until I tried other things that I really had to body I had always wanted. Growing up I was not fat but not really fit. I definitely can't play eye hand coordinated sports worth anything, especially basketball. Anyway, after my bodybuilding days I decided to try other things. High reps, body weight exercises, various types of ballistic movements, etc. Anyway, the point of this rant is for people to realize you must keep an open mind about everything in life. I was a national level bodybuilder but it wasn't until after I saw the change I had always wanted. I started by changing my exercise, then I worked with my diet, and now I am pretty satisfied with how I am. Yes, I do wake up every day and look in the mirror and love what I see. Tell me though, what's wrong with that? What's wrong with waking up every morning and loving who you are. I believe what is on the outside reflects what is on the inside. I loved bodybuilding and I always will, but I am definitely much happier now that I do not compete. A bodybuilding competition is one of the greatest experiences you will ever have if you do it, and I have tremendous respect for those that do, but it is not for me anymore.
Okay so does anyone really care about all this or do people just want me to rant about what grinds my gears? Can I get some feedback on this stuff? I'm just trying to get insight but I must receive insight before I can do so. To be served, you must first learn how to serve. Everything in life is about giving and taking and finding that balance. Someone help balance me out and give me some feedback and what you would like me to write about next week. Thank you!