Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year Smoothie!

Happy New Year! We hope everyone was safe + healthy on New Year's Eve. And even if you overdid it a little, we have a Green Smoothie Recipe for you to start 2014 off right.

A lot of people resolve every year to get into better shape.  And, honestly, there's nothing wrong with that. Pledging to improve your health every year is a wonderful goal, and even if you slipped up a little last year, just put yourself right back on track by eating right, and getting your body out and moving. (and if you are interested in exactly how to get your body moving, give us a call and we can help with that too!)

Green Smoothies look a little daunting, because... they're green! But, given the right ingredients, they can be a great way to incorporate more veggies and fruit into your diet in a tasty, healthy way that you will look forward to in the morning, or after a workout (or anytime you're near a blender!) Today's recipe is more of an introductory Green Smoothie recipe, for those who still need it a little bit more sweet. The rule of thumb is, the more fruit, the sweeter. So, if you want to cut down on calories a little, or want to cut down the sweetness, just use less fruit. Easy as that. Try this one out and make 2014 your fittest year yet.

1 large orange, peeled and segmented
1/2 of a large banana, cut into chunks
6 large strawberries
2 cups spinach
1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt/ or Coconut yogurt
1 cup ice
A powerful blender

Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Serve in glasses. Enjoy!

For more tips + motivation, check out our Facebook page at or follow us on twitter @NortonFitness!

Note: green smoothies are different than 'green juice'. Green juice is made from using a juicer to extricate all of the liquid from a vegetable or fruit. 

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